Had my last exam today. Went better than I expected considering how much revision I put in - keep in mind that this doesn't mean I did particularly good lol.
I honestly thought I was going to be late today - I was in bed for a really long amount of time and I just couldn't find the strength to get up. I've gotten up at rather late times for most of my exams but this one was kind of pushing it - the bus was a bit late so I got it 20 minutes before the exam started and it's an 18 minute journey usually. I managed to get there in time though.
To celebrate, I was thinking of going to the city centre but I couldn't think of anything to do there so I just went straight home. It was good that I did that because the ticket machine thing wasn't working so the journey was free. I love not spending money!
Instead of the city centre I celebrated with some icecream, a cup of tea and an absurdly large lunch that I somehow ate in one sitting (I was quite hungry during the exam, probably cause I didn't eat breakfast or dinner the day before). A cup of tea is way better than going outside in the cold.
I was doing my laundry in the evening when I heard some meowing coming from the garden. Predictably, it was a cat. She was sitting right outside the garden door meowing for my attention. I thought she was really cute so I stopped putting up my laundry to just stare at her, and then I opened the door. I was going to step outside and try to pet her but she took it as an invitation to go inside.
I was sort of freaking out, because it was midnight and I didn't want my flatmates to see her and get angry at me, but she was rather well behaved and nice so it was fine. She just loafed around in our living room (I had to close the door to the stairs because that's where my flatmate's bedroom's are and it would be quite frightening if you were sleeping and all of a sudden a random cat came into your room.) She tried to open the door to the stairs but alas to keep it shut (I felt really guilty lol).
Normally cats and other animals do not like me, I used to see cats on my way to school and they'd always run away from me. She was rather nice though. She did bite me once but it wasn't very hard and in her defense I was being quite annoying (trying to pet her.) Unfortunately, I didn't have anything to feed her (I barely have food for myself lmao) so she ended up leaving on her own. I hope she's alright. She was rubbing her cheek and stuff all over the living room so I wonder if she'll come back. Hoping!!
She was loafing on a plastic bag that's on our dining table for some reason hahaa.
I honestly don't remember what else I did that day. I was probably just cramming for my exam the next day and reading manga. So, basically, a good day.
I watched the film 'Kes' (1969) at 2am. I've been wanting to watch it for years now. It was really good - and the soundtrack is nice and relaxing. I felt a sort of peace/happiness seeing Billy bond with Kes - his kestrel. I have more thoughts about the movie but I'll probably write in a separate blog page or something because they're a bit scattered.
I've seen the book around and I always want to pick it up but I never do. Next time I see it I'll buy it. I know some people read the book for their GCSEs but our school did a modern play instead of a novel so I missed out.
The rest of the day was pretty typical. Browsing the internet, fanfics, manga, all that. I discovered a few manga that I'd like to read but that are not translated. One day, I'll get my japanese level high enough to read stuff like that.